Meet Our Team

Meet Our Talented Team

Our passionate and dedicated team brings together a diverse range of skills and expertise to deliver exceptional results. From creative visionaries to meticulous strategists, we work seamlessly together to meet and exceed our clients\’ expectations.

LEE Inhee / CEO

Republic of Korea (South Korea)
Interests: SDGs, ODA, DX, Education, AI, Business Automation, LegalTech, EdTech, Green Party, etc.

Wunhyoung Profile Image

RHEE Wunhyoung / COO

Republic of Korea (South Korea)
Interests: SDGs, ODA, DX, Education, AI, Business Automation, LegalTech, EdTech, Green Party, etc.

portrait of Daniel

RÁTAI Dániel Balázs / CTO

Magyarország (Hungary)
Interests: 3D Vision, AI, XR(VR/AR), Technology, Innovation, DX, Programming, Entrepreneurship, etc.

Crystal Portrait

AHN Soojeong / Auditor, Lawyer

Republic of Korea (South Korea)
Interests: LegalTech, AI, Smart Contract, Entrepreneurship, Startup, DX, etc.

KIM Sungje / Director

Republic of Korea (South Korea)
Interests: Generative AI, XR(VR/AR), HR, Plan, Strategy, Entrepreneurship, ESG, ODA, etc.

KIM Mijeong / XR Expert

Republic of Korea (South Korea)
Interests: 3D, Game, AI, XR, Startup, Graphic Design, etc.

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